University of California, Riverside



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Super电脑- 优途加速器官网

Super电脑- 优途加速器官网

Super电脑- 优途加速器官网

We are here to support, advance, and inspire our students of African descent. We strive to ignite our students’ academic, cultural, and social development by providing opportunities to grow as role models, leaders, professionals, and scholars.

It is a point of pride that UC Riverside is a standout college choice for Black students, and their success doesn’t stop at enrollment. Our students have a reputation for graduating at rates higher than any other group on campus. Plus, in the years between matriculation and graduation, they make remarkable contributions to our campus and surrounding community. African Student Programs and its efforts are a big part of that magnetic draw, remarkable retention, and hugely positive impact.

Since 1972, we have been a distinct example of excellence on this, the most diverse of the University of California campuses, and we want you to be a part of that exciting legacy.

Black Grad 2024 — The Celebration Continues!


Here for You, Always.

Student Affairs is here to support you throughout the campus closure.





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Super电脑- 优途加速器官网

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